How to build documents

To properly build Sphinx documentation you need to know a few things:

How to do formatting

  1. To create a master heading use a bunch of —— on a separate line

  2. To create a subheading use a bunch of ~~~~ on a separate line

  3. To create an ordered list (numbered) use the # symbol then a period.

  4. To add an image via a variable use:

  5. In this document I am using:

    - for top level
    ~ for sub headings

Variables for images

This is another subheading and ordered list for variables

To create a variable for an image file to be used in a page do the following:

  1. Define the variable as such:
.. |image8| image:: /_static/image008.png
:width: 0.46171in
:height: 0.43269in